マダガスカル産バニラシュガー – マダガスカル産バニラビーンズ(エキスではなく、ビーンズから)から抽出した100%ピュアな天然バニラシュガー
Madagascar Vanilla Sugar – 100% Pure Natural Vanilla Infused Sugar from Madagascar Vanilla Beans (From Beans, not from extract)
Pure Madagascar Vanilla Beans Infused by age and sealed vessels into organic cane sugar. Vanilla Sugar is popular as a gift, home ingredient, or as a flavoring gimmick for artisan coffee shops. Trace vanilla specs and seeds (caviar) are left inside the Madagascan vanilla sugar for visual beauty. The sugar is infused for 3 months in our barrel cellars in Madagascar, US, and Japan, with cane sugar, and resealed as per FDA cleanliness guidelines for use at home and in B2B food.