North of the Great Forest
In Bemaneviky Sambava, the all-out haggler warfare over the best black cured vanilla is afoot and apace.
The price of black vanilla varies from 120,000 to 150,000, while emanating out to Andapa and north into the bush, the price tags to 100,000-125,000 ariary.
No green vanilla is reliably rounded up in the north rim and above Cap Est anymore. The caches and collectors of SAVA have vacuumed up the green and horded it or headed home to cure.
In Sambava’s and the main coastal road’s collector houses (most of which pretend to be or perform as exporters too,) the price varies depending on quality of vanilla from 120,000 to 200,000 ariary.
That fundamental (if strange) law of 35% median margin seems to have yet again organically come true from farmgate to coastal collection house.
South of the Great Forest
Between Mananara and Mandritsara in the interior remote wilderness, tread by footpaths and terrible to even the toughest Toyota Landcruisers, south of Masoala, green vanilla is kicking off at 30000 to 35000 ariary (on paper/on face “sticker price”,) with the green vanilla campaign starting this week.
The speculative math of the opener asking prices seems to forecast or hope for vanilla in the 200,000 ariary+ range when the market reopens.